Rufus 3.8 Torrent
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Rufus is a great application for burning ISO to USB. Unfortunately, there is no Mac version yet. So for burning ISO to USB on Mac, you have to use third-party alternatives like UUByte ISO Editor to get it done. The suggestions in this post almost do the same thing as Rufus on Windows so don't worry about the functionality. Go ahead and pick up the best rufus alternative according to your experience.
Rufus BitTorrent Client is a good, free (gpl) software only available for Windows, that is part of the category Downloading software with subcategory P2P (more specifically Bittorrent).
Rufus is a Bittorrent client based on G3 Torrent. It is a very useful and powerful file transfer utility. BitTorrent is a protocol designed for transferring files. It is peer-to-peer in nature, as users connect to each other directly to send and receive portions of the file. However, there is a central server (called a tracker) which coordinates the action of all such peers. The tracker only manages connections, it does not have any knowledge of the contents of the files being distributed, and therefore a large number of users can be supported with relatively limited tracker bandwidth. 2b1af7f3a8