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Added support for the Renault TrueCode OBD II Reader to read and write the contents of the SECUREAK eeprom on the UCH module, in a range of second hand modules. This will allow for re-programming the second hand modules with any new controller code files. The TrueCode will not modify the content of the eeprom (TrueCode will only allow you to clear or add specific eeprom data), but rather it will change the behaviour of the card to operate with the new code or functionality, and allow for changes to be made to the keys/cards via the TrueCode. It's also important to note it will not operate with the older six or eight character UCH eeproms, but is compatible with the HITAG-2 modules as well as today's Renault TrueCode modules. In order to clear the memory of a second hand pre-protected module, enter the vehicle's correct keycode on the TrueCode software and select "clear" from the "Program" menu.
Renault TrueCode (R-TCC+) : this card uses an enhanced security authorization code, using the HI TAG-2 format, and can be programmed for all cars and vans built under the Renault CN brand following the Year-Year-Model series and with HG-1 keys.
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