Intranet Design Annual 2012 Pdf !!EXCLUSIVE!!
This 237-page, illustrated report provides case studies and survey feedback from more than 200 designers creating mobile-optimized enterprise apps and intranet content. It covers responsive web designs, mobile websites, mobile web apps, and native apps.
This 714-page report features 18 detailed case studies of the best intranets at small companies (fewer than 2,000 employees) since 2011. Even an organization with few employees and a small intranet team can create a winning design that truly benefits the whole company.
After using the 2011 ACS income data, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is used to update the 2011 data through the end of 2012. A trend factor is used to set the FY 2014 MFI estimate as of the mid-point of the fiscal year, or April 2014. This trend factor is based on the average annual change in incomes measured between 2006 and 2011 using the1-year ACS. The new average annual trend factor is 0.98 percent.
After using the 2010 ACS income data, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is used to update the 2010 data through the end of 2011. A trend factor is used to set the FY 2013 MFI estimate as of the mid-point of the fiscal year, or April 2013. This trend factor is based on the average annual change in incomes measured between 2005 and 2010 using the 1 year ACS. Previously, the trend factor was based on income data from 1990 to 2000, as measured by the decennial census. The new average annual trend factor is 1.67 percent, compared with the 3.0 percent used in FY 2012. Area rents at the 40th percentile are used for high housing cost determinations. These 40th percentile rents are equivalent to Fair Market Rents (FMRs) except in areas where the 50th percentile FMR is used. There was only a minor change in the area definitions, to include a new town in the Portland, ME metropolitan area. 2b1af7f3a8