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PS5 games will be able to be played off-line through an app. Hard to believe that Apple would approve the app and that isn't even the most amazing part. It's that your PS5 will have cloud storage....which is already in their PS4. So if you have a PS4 and a PS5 connected to the same network, PS4 games will automatically be downloaded to PS5. So all you need is a PS4 and a PS5 and you will be able to play all PS4 games off-line.
Microsoft will be releasing a new Xbox console in the coming months. Xbox is a bit like Apple in that it is a subscription based service. The difference though is that Apple isn't making a console every year. Amazon is trying to do that with their Fire TV stick and it seems like a very bad idea. Microsoft is launching the Xbox as a service and they have announced that it will cost $99 a year. Microsoft is offering two years free of the service. It is also worth noting that Microsoft will start charging an extra 10 dollars a month after 2 years in order to continue your service. There are a lot of premium paid services out there already such as Netflix and Amazon Prime. This will be like having Netflix but you only pay a monthly fee instead of a yearly fee. This is the first step towards the total takeover that some might think it is.
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