Download Dell Equallogic Host Integration Tools ~UPD~
Getting more IOPS on workloads running RHEL and EQL HIT for Linux -blogs/enterprise/b/tech-center/archive/2011/08/17/getting-more-iops-on-your-oracle-workloads-running-on-red-hat-enterprise-linux-and-dell-equallogic-with-eql-hitkit.aspx
The EqualLogic Host Integration Tools include several easy-to use host-based tools that tightly integrate EqualLogic storage area networks (SANs) with hosts and applications, delivering advanced data protection, high availability and performance, and simplified management of application data and virtual machines for Microsoft , VMware and Linux environments.
MPIO links are deftly handled by Dell's host integration tool (HIT) as you choose how many sessions you want, log on to the portal and leave it to do the rest. The recommended MPIO setup is to enable jumbo frames, flow control and least queue depth. 2b1af7f3a8