Cosmic Compiler Crack
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I have now got the Raisonance compilers running at the Command Prompt and have been able to cut the tool chain down from around 400MB to 12MB which may be handy for development on XP NetBooks or with Wine etc. I am now in a comfort zone so can concentrate on software development and having fun not worrying over tools.
I drank ayahuasca a decade ago while researching my book Rational Mysticism (Horgan 2003b). It tastes like stale beer dregs flavored with cigarette butts. After I threw up, I had a cosmic panic attack, in which I was menaced by malevolent, dayglo-hued polyhedra. I have no desire to repeat this experience.
While stimulated by the LSD I was able to get the entire system wholly in my mind at the same time. I spent some time mentally visualizing various aspects of the compiler, the language and the processing which would take place. I did discover three or four design inconsistencies while being stimulated by the effect of the LSD, and I made notes for later checking.
Spirit contact is a central part of many psychedelic practices. While the autonomy of spirit entities is a subject for endless metaphysical debate, the reports of seeing spirits under the influence of psychedelics are common enough to make some generalizations. First, psychedelic entities are anthropomorphic interfaces through which psychedelic information is generated or transmitted. Second, formal spirit types represent idealized versions of specific information matrices: cellular, insect, plant, animal, ancestral, mythic, alien, pagan, machine, cosmic, and so on, and each type of spirit reveals different insights into the ordered nature of life and the universe. Third, psychedelic spirits are tricksters; they often speak in riddles, communicate in visual rebus and pantomime, and typically never give a straight answer to inquiries. From an information standpoint it does not matter if the spirits are real or delusion, the information they generate is real and can be analyzed from a formal perspective.
I argue that the basic assumption of a single universe shared by multiple observers is wrong. Synthesizing the implications of black hole radiation, horizon complementarity, dark energy, observations of the cosmic microwave background and quantum logic, I argue that moving toward a true theory of quantum gravity will require us to give up the notion that we all share the same universe. Instead, each observer has their own universe, which constitutes a complete and singular reality.
Whereas compiler design is an engineering discipline (in fact, anoffshoot of discrete mathematics), the design of programming languagesis an art form, notwithstanding nearly 50 years of intenseexperimentation. There is no manual or set of rules that tell you how todesign a language. The languages that have been designed and useddisplay a wonderful diversity, but most of the ones that are well-known,if not widely used, take some characteristic to extremes. This mightseem puzzling: why are the best known languages typically pure in someaspect rather than amalgams of methods that have been shown to begenerally useful
Forth is extreme in that it uses an explicit stack. Whereas many otherlanguages have interpreters or compilers that use stacks internally,Forth requires the programmer to push and pop every piece of data to andfrom a stack, and, worse, to remember exactly what is on the stack atall times. There is an advantage for the designers of Forth in puttingall this mental effort on the programmer: the interpreter is trivial; itjust maintains the data on the stack. Another disadvantage of thissimplicity is that source-level debuggers are (to my knowledge) unknown;if something goes wrong, the most you get is a description of the stackat that moment. PostScript is another example of a pure stack-orientedlanguage, but, of course, PostScript was never designed as a programminglanguage. The only things that the PostScript designers ever intended tobe written in PostScript were print and display drivers for specificoutput devices. 153554b96e